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Treatment for Colorectal Cancer

Do I Really Need Surgery?

You and your doctor will decide what your treatment should be, taking into consideration your overall health and preferences. However, the stage of your cancer is still the most important factor in choosing your treatment. Different levels of severity can greatly affect suitable treatment approaches.

Though there exists various treatment methods for colon cancer, the definitive method remains surgery. Other methods, such as chemotherapy, are best served as supporting treatments.

Colon Cancer Surgery

This is almost always the go-to method to cure colorectal cancer. Sometimes, it may be minor, in the form of a polyp removal during a colonoscopy (Polypectomy). Other times, a more major surgery is needed to remove the cancer as well as part or all of the colon or rectum surrounding it (Colectomy). This will result in a bowel resection, where the healthy remaining sections of the colon are re-attached together.

Types of Surgery:

  • Open Surgery
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery
    • Laparoscopic Surgery
    • Single Port Incision Surgery
    • Robotic Surgery

Open Surgery

The surgery is done through a single long incision in the belly. This is required for more extensive and serious cancers.

Laparoscopic Surgery

This is done through a few small incisions in the abdomen and the use of special tools, such as a tiny camera and long, thin instruments. Due to the small incisions, this method results in faster recovery and lower risk of infection.

Single Port Incision Surgery

An incision will be made near the belly button, a “port” through which surgical instruments and a small camera will be inserted.

Robotic Surgery

An up-and-coming development, this method will provide higher precision and greater magnification and clarity than the other methods.

Chemotherapy & Radiation Therapy

Your doctor may suggest radiation therapy or chemotherapy if it’s deemed likely that the cancer may return. If the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes, you may need chemotherapy after your surgery. And if the cancer has spread outside your colon or rectum, you may then need radiation therapy.

However, it still stands that these non-surgical methods work best as supporting modes of treatment, with surgery at the core.

A Cancer Diagnosis Can Be Overwhelming & Confusing

We Understand And Are Here To Guide You Through

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KH Ng Surgery is a colorectal clinic located at Gleneagles Medical Centre that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of all colorectal conditions. The clinic is headed by colorectal surgeon Dr Ng Kheng Hong, a respected specialist with more than 20 years’ experience managing complex colorectal cancers.

KH Ng Colorectal Logo

Gleneagles Medical Centre, 6 Napier Road, #03-13, Singapore 258499
Tel: 6475 5512